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Building applications with composability using Boxcars with LLM's. Inspired by LangChain.0
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What is boxcars?

BoxCars is a groundbreaking Ruby gem that transforms the way developers integrate AI into their applications. Inspired by the Python library Langchain, BoxCars brings AI composability to Ruby, making it accessible and user-friendly for beginners and experts alike. With its modular design, BoxCars leverages various AI concepts like Large Language Models (LLMs), Search, SQL, Rails Active Record, and Vector Search, allowing developers to create powerful, AI-driven applications with ease.

Key Features:

  1. BoxCar - Modular AI Capabilities

    • Customizable Encapsulation: Perform a wide range of tasks like search, math, SQL queries, and API calls.

    • Engine Integration: Utilize Engines (like OpenAI, Anthropic, GPT4all) for complex operations

  2. Train - Problem-Solving Framework

    • Break Down Tasks: Divide problems into manageable pieces for individual Boxcars to solve.

    • Combines Results: Aggregate individual results to find a comprehensive solution.

  3. Prompt - Flexible AI Interaction

    • Built-In Prompts: Pre-configured for ease of use.

    • Customization: Modify or augment prompts to suit specific needs.

  4. Engine - Text Generation Powerhouse

    • Default Engine: OpenAI’s LLM for text generation.

    • Custom Engines: Support for Anthropic’s Claude API and GPT4all.

  5. VectorStore - Efficient Data Management

    • Store and Query Vectors: Optimize AI operations with vector storage capabilities.

Use Cases:

  1. Helpdesk Automation

    • Scenario: Automating ticket assignment in a Rails-based helpdesk app.

    • Benefit: Enhances efficiency and accuracy in ticket management.

    • Summary: “Transforming helpdesk operations with AI-driven ticket assignments.”

  2. Content Analysis

    • Scenario: Analyzing user comments for specific keywords or phrases.

    • Benefit: Quick and accurate content scanning for improved user engagement.

    • Summary: “Leveraging AI for efficient content analysis in user comments.”

  3. Dynamic Data Retrieval

    • Scenario: Integrating SQL queries for real-time data fetching.

    • Benefit: Simplifies complex data retrieval processes.

    • Summary: “Streamlining data fetching with AI-assisted SQL queries.”

How Does It Work?

BoxCars operates by utilizing Engines (like OpenAI’s LLM) to process Prompts and generate text results. Boxcars can be configured to use different Engines based on the task at hand. The Train concept breaks down problems into smaller tasks, each handled by a specific BoxCar, and then combines the results for a comprehensive solution.


BoxCars is not just a gem; it’s a leap forward in Ruby app development. By simplifying AI integration, it empowers developers to create more intelligent, efficient, and user-friendly applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, BoxCars offers a flexible and powerful platform to explore the possibilities of AI in Ruby. Embrace the future of app development with BoxCars and unlock a new dimension of creativity and functionality in your Ruby applications.

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boxcars was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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boxcars Alternatives

Load more Alternatives
  1. Enhance your coding experience with BLACKBOX AI, an AI coding assistant in Visual Studio Code. Real-time code completion, debugging suggestions, and more.

  2. Chatbox is a desktop client for ChatGPT, Claude and other LLMs, available on Windows, Mac, Linux

  3. Boost coding productivity and speed with Boxy, an AI coding assistant by CodeSandbox. Get contextual code explanations, generation, refactoring, and more.

  4. Create engaging and comprehensive courses in seconds with Coursebox, an AI-powered online course creation tool. Try it for free today!

  5. Out of Box - Analytics, Debugging, A/B Testing, Prompt Management & Evaluation so you can stop wasting dev-resources building internal tools for AI.