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Integrate Eddy AI, an AI-powered chatbot, into your website or app. Available 24/7, it offers multilingual support and automated sales.0
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What is EddyAI?

Eddy AI Assistant is an automated chatbot powered by artificial intelligence that can help you increase sales and provide seamless customer support. It can be integrated on various channels, such as websites, mobile apps, and social media messaging apps, to optimize support, boost customer satisfaction, and generate revenue. With Eddy AI, you can automate sales and support processes, customize the assistant to match your brand, and receive detailed analytics.

Key Features:

  1. 🤖 Automated Sales: Boost your website's revenue by enabling the AI Assistant to generate automatic sales.

  2. 🎨 Full Customization: Customize the AI Assistant to align with your brand, from widget icons to color schemes.

  3. 📊 Detailed Analytics: Receive comprehensive reports on user engagement to gain insights and improve performance.

Use Cases:

  1. E-commerce Support: Use the AI Assistant on your website or social media platforms to provide instant product offers and answers to customer queries, enhancing the shopping experience.

  2. Multilingual Support: With support for over 80 languages, the AI Assistant can answer customer questions in their preferred language, ensuring no queries go unanswered.

  3. 24/7 Availability: The AI Assistant is available round the clock, allowing customers to engage with your brand at any time, leading to increased customer satisfaction and sales.


Eddy AI Assistant offers a range of benefits, including automated sales, full customization, and detailed analytics. By integrating this AI-powered chatbot into your channels, you can enhance customer support, increase revenue, and provide a seamless experience for your customers. Join the hundreds of companies worldwide who have already benefited from Eddy AI Assistant and sign up for a free plan to experience its capabilities firsthand.

More information on EddyAI

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Updated Date: 2024-07-22
EddyAI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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EddyAI Alternatives

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  1. Edward.ai is an AI-powered sales assistant tool that automates the sales process for sales reps.

  2. Improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs with an AI-powered customer assistant. Automate interactions, save money, and increase capacity. Try it now!

  3. AI Chat from User.com automates answering customer questions with fast and accurate answers combined with support tools, onboarding, personal reps, & more.

  4. AI Chatbot for your website and your businesses messaging platforms on one dash using automous AI and Customer Support agents.

  5. AIchatbot is an ai powered conversational chatbot builder for customer service which enables you to create a custom GPT chatbot, trained from your own data. The AIchatbot can respond to customer inquiries in multiple languages and provides the convenience of embedding the chatbot widget directly onto your website.