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Meet less and do more with Huudle. Start leveraging async video communication and meeting tools to amplify productivity and build better relationships today.0
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What is Huudle?

Huudle is an innovative software designed to transform isolated meetings into smart, collaborative sessions. It connects all meetings and messages on a specific topic in a single space, using AI to track key points and generate short highlights. The platform also offers video messaging for quick updates, ensuring everyone stays informed and engaged with minimal effort.

Key Features:

  1. 🎥 AI-Driven Video Highlights: Huudle provides smart video summaries that capture your project's progress over time, updating you in minutes about all developments, regardless of meeting frequency.

  2. 🚀 Efficient Communication Methods: Transition beyond traditional tools with Huudle's diverse communication options, including video, audio, and chat messaging, for a more efficient workflow.

  3. 🛠 Effective Project Tracking: Huudle ensures that every project stays on track, meeting internal benchmarks and client expectations, thereby channelizing efforts towards goal-oriented results.

Use Cases:

  1. Team Collaboration: Quickly catch up on missed communications and keep the entire team aligned with Huudle's 5-Minute Progress Digest.

  2. Client Engagement: Enhance digital agency client interactions with Huudle’s multi-dimensional communication features, fostering stronger relationships.

  3. Data Security: Maintain enterprise-level data security and privacy during internal and external communications, ensuring sensitive information is protected.


Huudle stands out as a comprehensive tool for modern collaborative needs, blending AI-driven highlights, diverse communication methods, and efficient project tracking to optimize team efficiency and client relationships. It goes beyond traditional communication tools by offering a platform that not only ensures project progression but also strengthens team bonds and client interactions. With its commitment to data security and easy integration with favorite apps, Huudle is an excellent choice for enhancing engagement and productivity in any professional setting.

More information on Huudle

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$15 / month / user
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Tag Manager,Next.js,Vercel,Gzip,Webpack,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

India Pakistan Brazil

Traffic Sources

Direct Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Huudle was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Record meetings with AI-powered notes, send short followup videos, and centralize best practices in one video library.

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  5. Gemoo simplifies the workflow of video creating, editing, and sharing, to let everyone make videos and spread their creativity in minutes.