

Structured Output Styles

give me a list of 5 citrus fruits

Machine Translation

translate this text into Portuguese: welcome to the matrix

Dataset Generation (few-shot or zero-shot)

generate more datapoints from this text: "contains no wit , only labored gags " 0 (negative) "that l

Token Classification (few-shot or zero-shot)

classify the named entities in this text: George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware Rive

Text to Table

create a table from this text: create a 2 column table where the first column contains the stock tic

Table to Text

summarize the data in this table: I like pizza positive I don't like bananas negative Sometimes I li


rewrite this text: Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, 1969

Open Domain Question Answering

when did Apollo 11 land on the moon


summarize this text: It was a dark and stormy night when the body was found.

Text Generation

write an intro paragraph to a mystery novel

Writing Blog

Write an outline for a blog "Python lists".

Summarize the paper

Please summarize the paper “Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models” in simple


Tips on explaining data science reports to a business stakeholder.

Explain the Concept

Explain t-test to an undergraduate as a data science instructor


Give me some tips on how to improve the efficiency of my spreadsheet?

Dummy Data

Generate the dummy data for me to use as placeholders in my spreadsheet.

Spreadsheets Formula

Create a spreadsheet formula to calculate the sum of cells B1 to B20?

Career Coaching

I am looking for a role as a data engineer. My background is management. What should I do in 6 month