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Magicdog is a Google Sheets™ extension that enables users to easily import and analyze data from Quickbooks, Salesforce, and more.0
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What is Magicdog?

Magicdog, a Google™ extension, seamlessly connects with Quickbooks and Salesforce, enabling effortless data import and analysis. Embrace the power of AI to generate formulas, extract data, query databases, and more. Experience real-time data with automated updates and live dashboards, revolutionizing your spreadsheet experience.

Key Features:

  1. Swift Data Import: Import data from Quickbooks and Salesforce with a single click. Dynamic filters, scheduled snapshots, and real-time updates ensure effortless data management.

  2. AI-Powered Insights: Leverage the power of AI to streamline workflows and unearth valuable insights. Generate formulas, SQL queries, and text summaries using ChatGPT integration.

  3. Seamless Data Transformation: Convert data seamlessly between formats, simplify complex data structures, and effortlessly extract specific data from unstructured text.

Use Cases:

  1. Finance Teams: Automate data import from Quickbooks, generate insightful reports, and gain real-time visibility into financial performance.

  2. Sales Teams: Effortlessly import Salesforce data, analyze sales trends, and identify opportunities with AI-driven insights.

  3. Customer Support Teams: Extract customer feedback from reviews, generate automated responses, and streamline support operations with AI assistance.


Magicdog empowers you to harness the transformative power of data. Its seamless integrations, AI-driven insights, and data transformation capabilities revolutionize spreadsheet experiences, enabling businesses to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and unlock new opportunities for growth.

More information on Magicdog

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$49 user/month
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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Magicdog was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Magicdog Alternatives

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  1. Take your Google Sheets to the next level with unlimited AI usage and unlimited web scraping with SheetMagic.

  2. Discover the power of Magic AI: centralize knowledge, streamline productivity, and enhance collaboration with custom chatbots, document management, and AI-driven data analysis. Try it for free today!

  3. Supercharge your productivity in Google Sheets with Mage AI. Save days on repetitive tasks, optimize your data, and streamline your workflow. Say goodbye to manual work and embrace efficient spreadsheet management. Try Mage AI now!

  4. AI-powered chrome extension that helps users to create formulas quickly and easily from plain text.Discover our AI formulabot, Excel GPT tool.

  5. Formula Dog is an AI-powered tool designed to help users quickly and easily generate Excel formulas,