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ProductLift is a prioritization, roadmap, and changelog tool for SaaS product managers, project managers, and marketing strategists.0
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What is ProductLift?

ProductLift is a powerful, GDPR-compliant tool designed for SaaS product managers, project managers, and marketing strategists. It streamlines the feedback gathering process, enabling teams to prioritize, roadmap, and announce new features effectively. With its intuitive interface and robust features, ProductLift transforms scattered feedback into actionable insights, improving product development and customer engagement.

Key Features

  1. Comprehensive Feedback Management

    • Collect and review user suggestions from various channels, integrating sentiment analysis for deeper insights.

  2. Prioritization Matrix

    • Utilize a data-driven prioritization matrix to plan feedback implementation, aiding decision-making.

  3. Customization and Organization

    • Support for custom statuses, categories, and merge/split functions for feedback, ensuring streamlined management.

  4. User Engagement Tools

    • Offer user profiles, voting, and notifications for enhanced customer involvement and satisfaction.

  5. Scalable Integration Capabilities

    • Integrate seamlessly with popular tools like Jira, Slack, and Google Analytics, and benefit from API access for advanced customization.

Use Cases

  1. Centralizing feedback from diverse sources for a software startup, enabling prioritized feature development.

  2. Enhancing customer engagement by allowing users to upvote and track feature requests, increasing satisfaction and loyalty.

  3. Automating feedback analysis for a digital product, significantly reducing the time spent on manual aggregation and review.


ProductLift revolutionizes product development by simplifying the feedback collection and analysis process. Its robust feature set ensures that your product evolves based on true customer needs, driving market success and user satisfaction. Try ProductLift free for 14 days and unlock the potential to build products that resonate with your audience.

More information on ProductLift

Pricing Model
Starting Price
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Tag Manager,Plausible Analytics,unpkg,Gzip,OpenGraph,Progressive Web App,Nginx

Top 5 Countries

Colombia Turkey Viet Nam India Russian Federation

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Social
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
ProductLift was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Elevate your business with CustomerIQ - a powerful software tool that centralizes customer feedback, boosts revenue, and enhances team collaboration.

  3. Product Genius uses AI digital employees for real-time customer feedback via human-like conversations. 24/7 engagement, customizable voice, real-time insights, cost-effective. Ideal for in-store, website, software. Revolutionize feedback analysis.

  4. Gleap: The All-in-One Customer Feedback Platform - Collect, Analyze, and Act upon User Feedback. Empower Your Business with Actionable Insights.

  5. WordLift is the AI-powered tool that revolutionizes your SEO. Get more organic traffic, reach a qualified audience and grow your business.