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Reword outreach emails to make them unique

Rephrase the following email while keeping its meaning, to make it sound fun but still professional:

Generate popular and relevant sites to outreach

Recommend X popular blogs about that cover “” along with their URLs

Generate the rules for your robots.txt

Generate a robots.txt rules to block the crawl but allow the crawling of within the domain

Generate .htaccess rewrite rules for redirects

Generate the .htaccess rewrite rules to 301-redirect to

Generate Hreflang tags for to use as patterns for your site pages

Generate the hreflang tags to feature in pages targeted to the in , in and in

Generate Structured Data for your content

Generate the FAQPage Schema markup for the following questions and answers:

Cluster articles using their titles semantic relevance

Cluster the following titles into groups based on their semantic relevance:

Perform sentiment analysis of content

Specify the sentiment of the following titles, assigning them the values of: positive, neutral or ne

Generate a summary of your content

Generate an X words summary of the following content:

Provide facts and stats to use as an input to back your content

Generate a list of the top 10 facts, statistics and trends related to , including their source

Generate FAQs based on your content

Generate a list of X frequently asked questions based on the following content:

Rephrase your existing content to avoid duplication

Rephrase the following paragraph in X different ways, to avoid repetition, while keeping its meaning

Generate meta descriptions for your page content

Generate Z unique meta descriptions, of a maximum of 150 characters, for the following text. They sh

Generate titles for your page content

Generate X unique title tags, of a maximum of 60 characters, for the following text. They should be

Translate a list of keywords

Translate the following keywords from to and generate the results in a table with two columns, wit

Cluster a list of keywords based on their semantic relevance

Cluster the following keywords into groups based on their semantic relevance:

Classify a list of keywords based on their search intent

Classify the following keyword list in groups based on their search intent, whether commercial, tran

Generate relevant topics to target

Generate a list of X popular questions related to “, that are relevant for new

Video Script Prompt

Write a video script a 1-minute video where the CEO of the company gives an elevator pitch of their

Product Description Prompt

Product Description Prompt:Write 10 different product description examples outlining core product fe

Tagline prompt

Write 10 different polite but sarcastic and catchy tagline examples not exceeding 60 characters, tha