Receipt Cat

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Effortless income and expense tracking for your small business. The best receipt scanner app and receipt organizing tool with reporting, AI, and more.0
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What is Receipt Cat?

Receipt Cat is an AI-powered expense and income tracking software designed for small businesses, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and sole proprietors. It offers features such as intelligent receipt scanning, organization, reporting, and tax preparation. With Receipt Cat, users can easily turn their receipts into data using auto-capture AI and OCR technology. The software simplifies the process of tracking expenses by securely storing and organizing receipts in a searchable format.

Key Features:

1. Auto-Capture AI: Receipt Cat automatically scans receipts and captures key information like merchant name, taxes, total amount, and date. This eliminates the need for manual data entry for each receipt.

2. Organized & Searchable Receipts: The software provides a user-friendly receipt management system that allows users to organize their documents into categories or create custom categories according to their preferences. Users can quickly search through all receipts to find what they need efficiently.

3. Reports Dashboard: Receipt Cat offers a reporting dashboard that gives users an overview of their business expenses and income over time. It breaks down expenses by category and helps analyze expenses versus income easily.

Use Cases:

- Small Business Expense Tracking: Receipt Cat streamlines expense tracking for small businesses by automating the capture of key information from receipts.

- Tax Preparation: The software makes tax time easier by providing organized records of deductible expenses with digital images of receipts accepted by tax authorities.

- Audit Readiness: With all financial documents stored securely in one place, users can meet legal record-keeping requirements recommended by the IRS.

- Customizable Expense Categorization: Users can create custom categories to itemize business expenses accurately during tax season.

- Mobile Scanning on-the-go: By snapping photos of receipts with the mobile app's scan feature, users can digitize paper receipts instantly without worrying about losing them.


Receipt Cat is an efficient tool that simplifies expense tracking for small businesses while saving time and money. Its auto-capture AI, organized receipt management system, and reporting dashboard provide valuable insights into business expenses and income. With features like customizable categorization, mobile scanning, and audit readiness, Receipt Cat offers a comprehensive solution for managing receipts and tracking expenses effectively. Try Receipt Cat today to streamline your expense tracking process with ease!

More information on Receipt Cat

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$9.99/ Month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Plausible Analytics,Webflow,Amazon AWS CloudFront,jQuery,Gzip,OpenGraph

Top 5 Countries

United Kingdom

Traffic Sources

Referrals Search
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Receipt Cat was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Receipt Cat Alternatives

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  1. Revolutionize receipt management with ReceiptsAI. Extract data effortlessly, eliminate errors, and gain valuable insights for informed decisions.

  2. Save 97% of your time by uploading receipts to Xero or QuickBooks from your phone, without the need for internet. Text receipts with ease in just 5 seconds.

  3. Are you spending way too much time searching through your emails for receipts? If so, our AI-powered platform can help accomplish the same task in a few seconds.

  4. Automate receipt and invoice management with Receiptor AI. Extract, categorize, and export reports effortlessly. Improve efficiency and accuracy.

  5. AI receipt scanner, document manager and expense tracker for freelancers and small business