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Supercharge e-commerce on WhatsApp with a personalisedAI sales and support expert tailored for your D2C brand.0
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What is is an AI-powered conversational tool that automates 80% of sales and support processes. It uses GPT technology to guide customers through purchase journeys, provide personalized recommendations, and streamline customer support. With seamless integrations and a user-friendly interface, helps businesses grow their audience, optimize ad budgets, and enhance customer experiences.

Key Features:

1. AI Sales Agent: Deploy a virtual AI sales assistant that assists shoppers with product discovery and delivers personalized purchase recommendations. 2. WhatsApp Integration: Advertise anywhere and sell on WhatsApp by directing users into your WhatsApp sales funnel from your website chat widget or Facebook/Instagram ads. 3. Agent Dashboard: Supercharge your customer support with the Agent Dashboard, which automates 80% of customer queries using AI-powered agents.

Use Cases:

1. E-commerce Sales Assistance:'s AI Sales Agent can help e-commerce businesses guide customers through the purchase journey, recommend products based on preferences, and increase conversion rates. 2. Ad Campaign Optimization: By integrating with WhatsApp and providing real-time order updates via automated messages, helps businesses optimize their ad budgets by acquiring verified phone numbers on ad-clicks. 3. Customer Support Automation: The Agent Dashboard allows businesses to automate responses to common customer queries, assign chats to agents efficiently, and improve response times for better customer satisfaction.

Conclusion: offers powerful features that automate sales processes while enhancing the overall shopping experience for customers. From guiding shoppers through purchases to optimizing ad campaigns on WhatsApp and streamlining customer support operations with AI agents, empowers businesses to drive growth while saving time and resources. With its seamless integrations and proven results in boosting efficiency for clients across various industries, is a valuable tool for any business looking to elevate their sales performance on digital platforms like WhatsApp.

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Updated Date: 2024-03-06 was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Get a custom trained ChatGPT powered chatbot for your business or website that can answer questions

  2. Increase sales and customer satisfaction with SaleWhale, an AI-powered chatbot for businesses. Get personalized recommendations and real-time support. Contact us today!

  3. Experience the magic of JustCall AI in your customer interactions. Gain actionable insights, coach your agents, understand customer sentiments, and transform the experience in real-time.

  4. combines AI and human intelligence to offer 24/7 customer engagement with live North America-based agents to capture and convert more leads.

  5. Hire Selma to engage and build relationships with thousands of your prospects simultaneously, making intelligent decisions on-the-fly.