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Cogram uses AI to take notes in virtual meetings, track action items, and automate downstream tasks, while keeping your data private and secure.0
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What is Cogram?

Cogram is a state-of-the-art AI tool designed to help professionals manage their work more efficiently. It offers automatic meeting summaries, notes, and action items generated by advanced AI technology. The software provides best-in-class transcription for meetings, accurately handling accents, proper nouns, and custom terminology. Cogram's user-friendly interface allows for easy review of AI-generated notes and summaries, which are available within seconds after meetings. With Cogram, professionals can save time and focus on high-impact work.

Key Features:

  1. Automatic Meeting Summaries: Cogram uses advanced AI technology to generate comprehensive meeting summaries, saving professionals the time and effort of manually taking notes. The software accurately transcribes meetings, even handling accents, proper nouns, and custom terminology.

  2. Easy Review: Cogram's user interface is designed for easy review of AI-generated notes and summaries. Professionals can quickly access and review meeting information, ensuring they stay informed and organized.

  3. No Delays: Meeting notes and summaries are available within seconds after meetings, eliminating delays and allowing professionals to promptly review, share, and take necessary actions.

Use Cases:

  1. Procurement Optimization: Cogram can be effectively utilized in situations where professionals need to purchase new software tools for procurement optimization. The software helps in aligning on open items, setting up steps required for approval, and tracking progress. For example, Jane Wilde and Oscar Maine can use Cogram to review their work on purchasing a new software tool, align on open items, and set up a follow-up meeting to discuss ERP support and timeline.

  2. Project Management: Cogram is highly adaptable and can be customized to work according to the unique needs and style of different businesses. Professionals can use Cogram to summarize project progress, identify completed tasks, and highlight any open items that require attention. For instance, professionals working on a project with Driftwood Design can use Cogram to summarize completed tasks, identify blocking open items, and prioritize their attention accordingly.

  3. Cross-Platform Functionality: Cogram seamlessly integrates with various communication and collaboration tools, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Outlook, and Gmail. It works in both hybrid and in-person meetings, ensuring professionals can use the software regardless of their preferred platform or meeting format. This flexibility allows for efficient and consistent note-taking and collaboration across different teams and platforms.


Cogram is a powerful AI tool that revolutionizes the way professionals manage their work. With its automatic meeting summaries, easy review interface, and real-time availability of notes and summaries, Cogram helps professionals save time and focus on high-impact tasks. Whether it's optimizing procurement processes, managing projects, or collaborating across different platforms, Cogram provides the necessary tools to streamline workflows and enhance productivity.

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Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,Webflow,Amazon AWS CloudFront,Google Fonts,jQuery,Gzip,OpenGraph

Top 5 Countries

United States Turkey Colombia Mexico Costa Rica

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Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Cogram was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Cogram Alternatives

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  1. Optimize meetings and boost productivity with Airgram, the AI assistant that captures, transcribes, and shares meeting conversations. Trusted by 2,000+ teams.

  2. transcribes, summarizes, and provide insights from your meetings or any audio assets. Works with Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams.

  3. Bliro transcribes your conversations across all meeting tools without bots and extracts all important insights into a fully customizable AI summary.

  4. Save time in meetings with BrieflyAI - AI meeting summaries, insights, and follow-ups. Harness the power of AI for accurate transcriptions and condensed summaries.

  5. Clearword is a real-time AI meeting assistant that creates summary notes and completes actions live during your calls.