Sticky AI

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Get organized with meetings, notes, and tasks in one workflow. AI Notetaker captures notes and action items automatically.0
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What is Sticky AI?

Sticky AI is an innovative AI assistant designed to revolutionize the meeting experience by providing automatic meeting notes and action items. It seamlessly integrates with your work calendars and video conferencing tools, allowing it to join meetings, record, transcribe, and generate comprehensive notes. Sticky AI enhances meeting productivity by ensuring that important discussions and action points are captured accurately, enabling users to focus on active engagement rather than note-taking.

Key Features

  1. Automated Meeting Notes📝 Sticky AI automatically takes and emails meeting notes, complete with searchable transcripts, ensuring that no crucial detail is missed.

  2. Action Item Tracking🎯 It identifies and tracks action items, allowing users to add them to their task lists with a single click, linking back to the original notes for context.

  3. Seamless Integration🔗 Sticky AI integrates with popular calendars and video conferencing services like Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx, making it effortless to bring into any meeting.

  4. Privacy and Security🔒 User data is protected with industry-standard encryption, and Sticky AI promises not to use meeting data to train their AI models without explicit user permission.

  5. Customizable Meeting Attendance🚦 Users have control over which meetings Sticky AI attends, with a simple toggle to invite or remove the AI from any meeting.

Use Cases

  1. Enhanced Meeting Engagement🗣️ Linzi, a content strategy consultant, finds Sticky AI invaluable as it frees her from the distraction of note-taking, allowing her to be more engaged in discussions.

  2. Efficient Task Management📋 Vivek, a VP in product marketing, appreciates how Sticky AI keeps him on track with post-meeting summaries and shared records, enhancing team coordination.

  3. Effective Meeting Absence Handling⏳ Tenesha, a founder and CEO, relies on Sticky AI to attend meetings on her behalf when she can’t be present, allowing her to quickly catch up on missed discussions.


Sticky AI is more than just a meeting notes tool; it’s a productivity enhancer that helps users make the most of their meeting time. By relieving the burden of note-taking, it enables users to be fully present and focused during meetings, leading to more productive and effective outcomes. Sticky AI’s commitment to privacy and security further establishes it as a trustworthy companion in the modern workplace. Try Sticky AI today and experience the transformation in your meeting productivity.

More information on Sticky AI

Pricing Model
Starting Price
$15 / month
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Updated Date: 2024-06-25
Sticky AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Get concise meeting notes and summaries with SmartNote - an intelligent note-taking software that integrates with your workflow for improved efficiency.

  3. transcribes, summarizes, and provide insights from your meetings or any audio assets. Works with Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams.

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  5. Sticky is an AI-powered tool that allows users to create their own custom stickers in a quick and ea