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Cogment is the first open source platform designed to address the challenges of continuously training humans and AI together.0
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What is Cogment?

Cogment is a pioneering open-source platform designed to facilitate the continuous training of both AI and humans in shared environments. It addresses the unique challenges of creating and refining AI agents that work seamlessly alongside human counterparts. The platform is built to optimize the synergy between human expertise and AI capabilities, ensuring that both can learn from and adapt to each other in real-time. This results in less data requirement, faster training cycles, and a significant reduction in compute usage. Cogment is particularly suited for scenarios where human supervision is crucial and where the transition from simulated to real-world environments is a key consideration.

Key Features

  1. Multi-actor Collaboration: 🤝 Enable multiple AI agents and human users to coexist, train, and interact within the same environment, facilitating both collaborative and competitive scenarios.

  2. Multi-method Training: 🎓 Support various training approaches including Reinforcement Learning, Imitation Learning, and Curriculum Learning, allowing for a diverse range of learning strategies.

  3. Tech Stack Agnostic: 🌐 Ensure compatibility across different technology stacks, supporting frameworks like Pytorch, Keras, Tensorflow, and environments such as Unity, OpenAI Gym, and Petting Zoo.

  4. Multi-experience Learning: 🔄 Run multiple instances of agents in various trials, centralizing or decentralizing data to train single or populations of specialized agents.

  5. Implementation Swapping: 🔁 Seamlessly transition between different agent implementations or between human users and AI agents, including bootstrapping with pseudo-humans or rule-based agents.

  6. Multi-source and Retroactive Rewards: 🏆 Implement multiple reward sources for Reinforcement Learning agents, including environment feedback, user input, and other agents, with support for delayed evaluations.

  7. Hybrid AI: 🧠 Combine various agent types like expert systems, doctrines, search algorithms, planners, and neural networks for a comprehensive AI solution.

  8. Optimized Deployment: 🚀 Minimize the gap between development and production, enabling quick iteration cycles between simulated and real environments.

Use Cases

  1. Collaborative Robotics: In a manufacturing setting, Cogment can facilitate the training of AI-driven robots to work alongside human operators, improving efficiency and safety.

  2. Virtual Training Environments: For complex tasks like piloting or surgery, Cogment can create simulated environments where AI agents learn from and assist human trainees.

  3. Autonomous Vehicle Development: Cogment can be used to train AI systems for autonomous vehicles, ensuring they can adapt to real-world scenarios based on simulated experiences.


Cogment redefines the way AI and humans interact and learn from each other. By providing a platform that seamlessly blends human supervision with AI capabilities, it opens up new possibilities for creating efficient, adaptable, and trustworthy AI systems. Whether it’s in manufacturing, training, or autonomous vehicle development, Cogment offers a pathway to a future where AI and humans work together in harmony. Experience the efficiency and adaptability of Cogment for yourself and be part of the future of AI-human collaboration.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Cogment was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Record your screen. Capture knowledge.Your team's shared brain.

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  4. Agenta is an open-source Platform to build LLM Application. It includes tools for prompt engineering, evaluation, deployment, and monitoring.

  5. RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Framework for building modular, open source applications for production by TrueFoundry