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Streamline your workflows with AI-powered search across company apps to find answers to your questions, create content, and look up docs, messages, and more.0
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What is Dashworks?

Dashworks is an innovative AI Knowledge Assistant designed specifically for enterprise use. It seamlessly integrates into a company’s tech stack, providing a powerful tool for institutional knowledge management and enhancing team efficiency across various departments.

Key Features:

  1. AI-Powered Search:Dashworks excels in retrieving precise information by understanding complex questions and user intent through advanced AI.

  2. Comprehensive Data Integration:It operates across a wide range of platforms, including code repositories, CRM data, emails, shared drives, team chats, and more, ensuring that all relevant information is accessible.

  3. Trustworthy Answers:Each response is backed by comprehensive source links, ensuring reliability and accuracy.

  4. Permissioned Search:Syncs with existing access control permissions, ensuring users only access information they are authorized to view.

  5. Personalization:Adapts to company lingo and personalizes answers based on the employee’s department and role.

  6. Multilingual Support:Offers robust support for multiple languages, ensuring global accessibility.

  7. Customizable and Teachable:Allows customization of responses to adhere to specific organizational guidelines.

  8. Always Up-to-date:Utilizes real-time search APIs to ensure answers reflect the latest information.

  9. Multimedia Support:Supports various data formats, including documents, PDFs, spreadsheets, and presentations.

Use Cases:

  • Engineering Teams:Can quickly search through code, pull requests, and issue tracking systems.

  • Sales and Marketing:Accesses CRM data, marketing automation tools, and project management platforms.

  • Customer Support:Efficiently handles tickets and queries using knowledge base tools and messaging apps.

  • Cross-Departmental Collaboration:Facilitates easy information sharing across different departments.

Integration Capabilities:

Dashworks integrates smoothly with a wide array of applications such as Slack, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Notion, Confluence, and many more, centralizing company knowledge and streamlining workflows.


Dashworks stands out as a versatile AI Knowledge Assistant, offering a unique blend of AI-powered search, comprehensive data integration, and personalized insights. It is an indispensable tool for modern enterprises looking to enhance their knowledge management and team performance.

More information on Dashworks

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
$9.99 per seat per month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,HubSpot Analytics,Webflow,Amazon AWS CloudFront,JSDelivr,jQuery,Gzip,OpenGraph,Intercom,Vimeo

Top 5 Countries

United States India Viet Nam United Kingdom Indonesia

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Dashworks was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  2. Search all your tabs and apps, find exactly what you need, and organize your workday in just a few clicks. Meet Dash, your personal universal search tool.

  3. Ask natural language questions, get reliable answers with Danswer. Connect to Slack, GitHub, Confluence, and enjoy advanced AI-powered features.

  4. Get AI-powered content optimization and monitoring with Dashword. Cut research time, optimize your content, track traffic trends, and improve SEO. Try it now!

  5. Revolutionize your workplace with Unleash.so’s AI-powered search. Streamline knowledge management, boost collaboration, and enhance productivity.