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Chaindesk offers a no-code platform to create custom AI chatbots trained on your data. Our solution0
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What is Chaindesk?

Chaindesk is an AI chatbot platform that allows businesses to train custom GPT chatbots for support, lead generation, and more. With its no-code interface, Chaindesk makes it easy to create a chatbot tailored to your company's data in just minutes. The platform leverages Generative AI models like GPT-4 to provide instant answers from diverse sources, reducing ticket volume and ensuring uninterrupted conversations across multiple platforms.

Key Features:

1️⃣ Instantly Resolve 80% of Your Support Queries: Chaindesk uses Generative AI models like GPT-4 to provide secure and precise responses, reducing your team's ticket volume.

2️⃣ Instant Answers from Diverse Sources: Chaindesk seamlessly ingests content from various sources such as Files, Notion, Google Drive, Zendesk Help Center, and public URLs for comprehensive responses.

3️⃣ Trustworthy AI: With built-in safeguards, Chaindesk Agents stick to your knowledge base and eliminate off-topic conversations or misleading responses.

4️⃣ Omnichannel Conversations: Chaindesk ensures uninterrupted conversations across platforms including Embeddable Widgets, WhatsApp Slack Telegram,and more.

5️⃣ Human Handoff: Take over the conversation when needed and focus on important interactions.

Use Cases:

1. Customer Support Automation: Use Chaindesk's AI chatbot to instantly resolve customer inquiries by providing accurate information based on your company's knowledge base.

2. Lead Generation: Collect leads and gather customer data while offering a personalized experience through the use of the AI chatbot.

3. Streamlined Operations: Scale your customer service team without hiring additional staff by leveraging the efficiency of the AI chatbot.


With Chaindesk's powerful features like instant query resolution using Generative AI models and seamless integration with various platforms for omnichannel conversations,you can streamline operations,scale your team,and enhance customer support. Don't get left behind - start building your own custom AI chatbot with Chaindesk today and experience the efficiency and effectiveness of AI-powered customer service.


1. Can I train a custom chatbot on my company's data using Chaindesk?

Yes, Chaindesk provides a no-code platform that allows you to easily train a custom ChatGPT chatbot on your company's data in just minutes.

2. What sources does Chaindesk use for providing instant answers?

Chaindesk seamlessly ingests content from various sources including Files, Notion, Google Drive, Zendesk Help Center, and any public URL to provide comprehensive responses.

3. Is it possible to take over the conversation from the AI chatbot when needed?

Yes, with Chaindesk's human handoff feature, you can take over the conversation at any time to ensure that your customers receive the best possible support.

More information on Chaindesk

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
$25 /month
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,JSDelivr,Google Fonts,Next.js,Vercel,Emotion,Gzip,OpenGraph,Webpack,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

United States India Viet Nam Finland Canada

Traffic Sources

Search Direct Referrals Social Mail
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Chaindesk was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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