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Kapa.ai learns from your docs, tutorials, chat logs, and GitHub issues to generate an LLM-powered chatbot that answers developer questions automatically.0
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What is kapa.ai?

Kapa.ai is a software tool that allows developer-facing companies to easily create AI-powered support bots for their community. It is trusted by leading community-focused teams and helps improve developer experience by automatically answering questions. With Kapa.ai, teams can connect various knowledge sources, deploy custom AI bots, and eliminate response waiting time. It is a reliable and accurate solution that stays up to date with the latest information and continuously improves through user feedback.

Key Features:

1. Connect Sources: Kapa.ai offers a wide range of technical source connectors, allowing users to leverage their existing knowledge sources such as docs, tutorials, chat logs, and GitHub issues.

2. Deploy AI Bot: Users can deploy their custom AI bot to platforms where developers have questions, such as Docs, Slack, Discord, or via API. This ensures that developers can easily access the bot and get instant answers.

3. Improve Dev Experience: Kapa.ai eliminates response waiting time by putting support on autopilot. It also helps identify documentation gaps, allowing teams to continuously improve their resources and provide better support to developers.

Use Cases:

- OpenAI, Airbyte, and NextJS are just a few examples of companies that use Kapa.ai to enhance their developer experience and reduce support. By automating the answering of developer questions, Kapa.ai allows these teams to focus on higher-value tasks.

- Kapa.ai is used by over 300,000 developers worldwide across various communities. It improves support hours by reducing the time spent on answering questions and provides developers with quick and accurate answers.

Kapa.ai is the go-to solution for developer-facing companies looking to enhance their support system. With its AI-powered chatbot, seamless integration with existing knowledge sources, and continuous learning capabilities, Kapa.ai streamlines the developer experience and reduces support workload. Join the ranks of satisfied users and start improving developer experience and reducing support now with Kapa.ai.

More information on kapa.ai

Pricing Model
Free Trial
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Tech used
Cloudflare CDN,Next.js,Gzip,OpenGraph,Webpack

Top 5 Countries

Denmark United States Germany Turkey France

Traffic Sources

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
kapa.ai was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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