My AskAI

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What is My AskAI?

My AskAI is a software that allows users to create their own AI assistant, similar to a chatbot. By adding company documentation, reports, manuals, and other content to the platform, users can generate instant answers to any question. The AI assistant can be embedded on websites or integrated with other apps and services. My AskAI offers both free and paid plans, with the ability to understand questions in multiple languages.

Key Features:

1. Lightning-Fast Setup: Users can add all relevant documents, webpages, content, or data within minutes to train their AI assistant.

2. Instant Factual Answers: The AI assistant provides fast and accurate answers with source references indicating where the information came from.

3. Launch Anywhere: Users can share a link or integrate the AI assistant into websites or messaging apps like Slack with just a few clicks.

4. Scalability and Enterprise Readiness: My AskAI supports content and questions in 95 different languages for global organizations. It also offers limitless branding customizations, usage analytics, downloadable questions asked data, full API control and access.

Use Cases:

- Customer Support: Save customers from asking repetitive questions by providing faster responses through the AI assistant.

- Employee Onboarding: Help new employees navigate through company documentation more efficiently by offering instant answers.

- Knowledge Base Management: Organize documentation effectively by uploading it to My AskAI's intuitive interface for easy accessibility.

My AskAI is an innovative solution that empowers businesses to create their own AI assistants quickly and easily. With its lightning-fast setup process and ability to provide instant factual answers from uploaded content sources such as documents or webpages, this software saves time for both customers seeking information and employees searching through extensive documentation. Whether used for customer support or internal knowledge management purposes like employee onboarding or creating comprehensive FAQs sections on websites - My AskAI streamlines processes while enhancing productivity across various industries. With its scalability, enterprise readiness, and support for multiple languages, My AskAI is a valuable tool for organizations looking to improve their customer service and knowledge management capabilities.

More information on My AskAI

Pricing Model
Free Trial
Starting Price
Global Rank
Month Visit
Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,LinkedIn Insights,Profitwell,Amazon AWS CloudFront,cdnjs,Cloudflare CDN,JSDelivr,unpkg,Bootstrap,Express,Clipboard.js,Popper.js,Sentry,Gzip,OpenGraph

Top 5 Countries

United States United Kingdom China Maldives Senegal

Traffic Sources

Search Direct Referrals Social
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
My AskAI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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  1. Create your own AI assistant with My AskAI. Access unlimited external knowledge, train your AI, and get accurate and fast answers. Try it today!

  2. Automate customer support, offer real-time updates, and integrate seamlessly with AnswerAI. Sign up for a free trial today!

  3. Ask AI allows shoppers clear any question about products with automated Artificial Intelligence responses.

  4. iAsk.Ai (i Ask AI) is an advanced free AI search engine that enables users to Ask AI questions and receive Instant, Accurate, and Factual Answers without ever storing your data.

  5. Get precise, document-cited answers quickly with Analyze documents, videos, and websites with AI to save time and ensure accuracy.