Feedback Navigator

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Use Feedback Navigator to quickly gather your customer feedback data and extract valuable insights with our AI.0
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What is Feedback Navigator?

Feedback Navigator is an innovative AI-driven platform designed to help businesses efficiently gather, analyze, and derive actionable insights from customer feedback. By integrating with multiple data sources and employing advanced sentiment analysis, Feedback Navigator transforms raw feedback into structured, insightful data. This empowers businesses to quickly identify trends, address customer requests, and enhance overall satisfaction. With flexible pricing options, the platform caters to various business sizes and needs.

Key Features:

  1. Built-in Data Sources 📊

    • Integrate feedback from platforms like Trustpilot,, and Yelp, or upload CSV files and use APIs.

  2. Custom Categories 📂

    • Define specific categories to classify feedback according to your business needs.

  3. Sentiment Analysis 😊😞

    • Utilize large language models to accurately determine the sentiment of overall feedback and specific categories.

  4. Request Detection 🔍

    • Quickly identify and act on the most common customer requests.

  5. Custom Workflows 🔄

    • Trigger automated actions with webhooks when new reviews are analyzed.

  6. CSV Export 📁

    • Export analyzed data with one click for further analysis or visualization.

Use Cases:

  1. Property Managers

    • Analyze guest reviews across multiple properties, automate data scraping, and set up workflows to manage feedback seamlessly.

  2. Gym Owners

    • Assess reviews from various gym locations, automate feedback collection, and receive instant notifications to improve customer satisfaction.

  3. Product Teams

    • Centralize and automate the feedback analysis process to derive valuable insights for product improvement.


Feedback Navigator empowers businesses by transforming customer feedback into actionable insights, enhancing decision-making and customer satisfaction. Its versatile features and flexible pricing options make it a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes. Experience the efficiency of Feedback Navigator firsthand and streamline your operations to meet and exceed customer expectations. 

More information on Feedback Navigator

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Korea, Republic of Philippines Germany China Brazil

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Feedback Navigator was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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