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What is

Converso is an AI-powered helpdesk solution that revolutionizes customer support by seamlessly integrating AI Assistants with human agents, reducing workload while enhancing service quality. It offers tailored AI deployment across various communication channels, streamlining operations and boosting customer satisfaction.

Key Features:

  1. 🤖 AI Helpdesk Integration: Reduce agent message volumes by 50% with AI-powered customer support seamlessly integrated into your helpdesk.

  2. 💡 Automated First Line Support: AI Assistants provide accurate responses, freeing up human agents for more complex tasks, thus increasing helpdesk productivity.

  3. 📝 Chat Transcripts and Seamless Input: View chat transcripts for context and seamlessly involve human agents for in-depth queries, ensuring smooth customer interactions.

  4. 🚀 Fast, Accurate Responses: Retrieve relevant data instantly and provide accurate responses, enhancing customer trust and satisfaction.

  5. 🔒 GDPR Compliance and Message Confidentiality: Ensure GDPR compliance with archived conversations and define staff visibility for customer conversations.

Use Cases:

  1. Streamlined Insurance Queries: Converso's AI helpdesk significantly reduces the volume of insurance policy queries, boosting support team productivity and customer satisfaction.

  2. Omnichannel Customer Support: Deploy AI Assistants across multiple channels like webchat and WhatsApp, providing seamless support wherever customers are.

  3. Efficient Lead Generation: Instantly respond to customer queries, increasing sales close rates and streamlining lead generation efforts.


Converso empowers businesses to elevate their customer support game by harnessing the power of AI. With its intuitive integration, efficient automation, and personalized assistance, Converso not only saves time and resources but also enhances customer experiences. Experience the future of customer support with Converso today and transform your operations effortlessly.

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Updated Date: 2024-07-23 was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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