
Increase agent productivity, reduce costs, and achieve high customer satisfaction with Yuma. Automate tasks, handle inquiries, and deliver personalized support for ecommerce businesses.0
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What is Yuma?

Yuma is an AI tool designed to increase agent productivity, reduce operating costs, and improve customer satisfaction. It offers features such as ticket automation, order and payment management, subscription management, feedback and reviews handling, post-sales and product troubleshooting, social media moderation, refunds and returns management, shipping and delivery inquiries, pre-sales questions, tagging and escalations, and spam and automated replies filtering. Yuma is built for ecommerce businesses and provides seamless integration with Shopify tools and plugins. It intelligently detects customer needs, automates sophisticated processes, empowers agents with productivity tools, delivers personalized support in any language, and offers easy connectivity. Yuma has been proven to increase efficiency, maximize ROI, and achieve high customer satisfaction levels.

Key Features:

1. Ticket Automation: Yuma autonomously handles customer inquiries, reducing response time and increasing agent productivity.

2. Order and Payment Management: Yuma can handle customer order inquiries, edit or cancel orders autonomously, and manage payment-related queries.

3. Feedback and Reviews Handling: Yuma addresses feedback on review platforms, protects reputation, and escalates critical reviews to managers.

Use Cases:

1. Ecommerce Customer Support: Yuma can handle various customer support tasks such as order inquiries, subscription management, feedback addressing, post-sales technical inquiries, social media interactions, refunds and returns, and shipping and delivery inquiries.

2. Pre-Sales Assistance: Yuma can promptly address customer pre-sale inquiries, providing valuable information during the buying journey.

3. Helpdesk Efficiency: Yuma's automation and productivity tools empower agents to provide quick and empathetic responses, reducing handling and reply times.

Yuma is a powerful AI tool designed specifically for ecommerce businesses. With its wide range of features, it can automate repetitive tasks, improve customer support efficiency, and enhance overall customer satisfaction. By seamlessly integrating with Shopify tools and plugins, Yuma offers a user-friendly and effective solution for businesses to scale their customer support operations. With proven results and a focus on delivering personalized support, Yuma is a valuable asset for any ecommerce brand looking to increase productivity, reduce costs, and achieve high customer satisfaction levels.

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Tech used
Google Tag Manager,Webflow,Amazon AWS CloudFront,jQuery,Gzip,OpenGraph

Top 5 Countries

United States France Mexico Indonesia Denmark

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Referrals Social Mail
Updated Date: 2024-07-22
Yuma was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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