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Unthread transforms Slack into a customer support hub, optimizing support processes, streamlining communication, and automating workflows.0
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What is Unthread?

Unthread transforms Slack into a customer support hub, converting support queries into prioritized tickets with assignments and service level agreements (SLAs). It optimizes support processes, streamlines communication, and automates workflows to enhance team efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Key Features:

  1. 📥 Message Prioritization: Prioritize incoming messages, assign them to team members, and easily involve colleagues, ensuring prompt responses and resolutions.

  2. 🤖 AI-Powered Learning: Uses AI to categorize incoming messages, enabling teams to understand customer feedback better, identify common requests, and suggest suitable responses.

  3. 🤝 Cross-Channel Integration: Integrates multiple communication channels into a single inbox, including Slack, email, and in-app chat, offering a centralized platform for managing customer conversations.

Use Cases:

  • Product Feedback Collection: Set up a shared Slack channel to gather product feedback from customers quickly and seamlessly.

  • Real-Time Support for Financial Services: Offer real-time support to customers through Slack, increasing transparency and reducing risks.

  • Infrastructure Management: Provide top-tier support for customers' critical infrastructure via a dedicated Slack channel.


Unthread revolutionizes Slack's functionality by transforming it into a comprehensive customer support platform. Its robust feature set and seamless integration with various tools empower support teams to deliver exceptional service, improve response times, and foster deeper customer relationships, ultimately boosting team productivity and customer satisfaction.

More information on Unthread

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Tech used
Google Analytics,Google Tag Manager,LinkedIn Insights,Cloudflare CDN,WordPress,Font Awesome,Google Fonts,jQuery,Gzip,HTTP/3,JSON Schema,OpenGraph,RSS,Webpack,HSTS

Top 5 Countries

United States Senegal Costa Rica Turkey Australia

Traffic Sources

Direct Search Paid Referrals Referrals Social
Updated Date: 2024-07-23
Unthread was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 4th 2024.
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Unthread Alternatives

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  1. ThreadScribe.ai is a chatbot for Slack that uses cutting-edge AI to transform your Slack conversations into a structured, easily searchable knowledge base.

  2. Streamline your customer support process with AI-powered automation. Resolve FAQs, tag and prioritize tickets, and reduce costs with Tekst.ai.

  3. FirstSupport gives customer support teams superpowers by automating translation, information retrieval, insights reports, tagging, and more.

  4. Save time and boost productivity with Tailor by Threads! This AI-powered software offers near-instant documentation, proactive summaries, and customized prompts for efficient collaboration. Streamline your workflow and achieve more with Tailor.

  5. Miles beyond traditional outsourcers. Chatdesk uses AI and US-based experts to boost conversions and solve tickets across social, email, chat, and SMS.